- CAHS Journal – print editions (back-issues by mail)
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- CAHS Journal 57– 1 (Spring 2019)
CAHS Journal 57– 1 (Spring 2019)
ISSN 1207 – 1978
Historical Snapshot: Factory-Fresh Forty-Fours – A Small Series of Photos of the Largest Canadian-Built Aircraft
While its first flight was in 1959, the elegant Canadair CL-44 Yukon still, to date, holds the record for the largest aircraft to be manufactured in Canada. Compiled by Terry Higgins.
Historical Snapshot: First Across – The Vickers Vimy of Alcock and Brown
Perennial archival researchers Carl and Elizabeth Vincent present a series of photos that document the start of a historic aviation event – the first nonstop transatlantic flight.
Canadair CL-84 – A Canadian Design Odyssey Part 4B: Non-Canadair Test Pilots, Foreign Pilots and More Flight Testing
Canadair photo-documentarian Bill Upton concludes his account of the CL-84 Dynavert prototype up to its abrupt and unplanned end in late 1967.
Wooden Wings Over the Wilderness 5: The First Fokker Super Universals in Canada: One for Name & Two for WCA
Clark Seaborn continues his series on the Fokker bushplanes, introducing the larger, more capable Super Universal and summarizing the service lives of the first three of ten examples from the US production line to be registered in Canada.
Northern Engineer: The Beginnings of an Extensive Aviation Career in the Canadian North
The first excerpt from a wonderfully rambling anecdotal autobiography by Bill Walton, an AME, pilot, and aviation business owner of long experience in Canada’s Northwest.
All feature articles are also available separately as digital PDF files (copy / paste any one of the article titles above into the site search in the main menu.)