- CAHS Journal – print editions (back-issues by mail)
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- CAHS Journal 56-1 (Spring 2018)
CAHS Journal 56-1 (Spring 2018)
ISSN 1207 – 1978
6: Wooden Wings over the Wilderness 1: The First Fokker Bushplanes in Canada
The first in a series by aviator/historian/aircraft restorer Clark Seaborn, chronicling the
wooden-winged Fokker monoplanes – a significant family of bushplanes used during the
formative years of Canadian commercial aviation.
14: On to Oslo – The Transatlantic Misadventures of a Bellanca and a Stinson
An account of two of the many west-to-east attempts to cross the North Atlantic
originating in the USA and staging through Newfoundland. Both ended in failure, one
more tragic than the other. By Elizabeth Vincent.
20: More on the Relief Landing Fields – The Forgotten Fields of the BCATP
John Higenbottam provides an update on his account of The Plan’s Relief Landing Fields,
complete with revised tables and a section on thier use for Standard Beam Approach
30: Canadair CL-84 – A Canadian Design Odyssey Part 1: Concepts and Contraptions
Canadair type and technology curator Bill Upton provides an illustrated history of one of
Canadian aviation industry’s little oddities, the tilt-wing CL-84 Dynavert.
All feature articles are also available separately as digital PDF files (copy / paste any one of the article titles above into the site search in the main menu.)